Let's Buy


Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man is up for sale, but instead of letting him get bought by another studio that doesn't know what to do with him, let's come together as web slinger fans and give him a home where he'll be properly treated, owned by his loyal community. Spider-man, when done well, is one of the most iconic and historically highest grossing IP's in the history of the world. This is our chance to save Peter for once when he's saved so many others. Join us today and BUY SPIDER-MAN!


$50,000 minimum investment buys you a chance to own a piece of one of the most legendary IP properties in the history of the world. Accredited Investors Only.


Don't qualify to invest? You can still have your say with rewards-based crowdfunding donations! Become a part of the Spider-man community and get amazing perks.


Spidey memes are everywhere. Why not benefit from them by purchasing one of our affiliated tokens, contributing to our cause and letting you trade valuable tokens tied to rewards Spidey-fans will demand?

Waitlist Signup

Join Us - Save Spidey

Fill out the form below to join our waitlist as we organize ourselves to create an offer Sony cannot refuse. Spider-man has given us so much, let's get him a home where he's appreciated and continues to delight fans for decades to come.

© 2024, G3 Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thank you

We'll be in touch once our web-shooters are ready.